Personal Items Series: 01

Arcteryx Rivet Gloves

-A series to document and analyze items of importance that I keep-

With dry and cracked goat leather palms, polarfleece warped and burned, and resewn stitching that binds no longer, These gloves are officially retired. I've been meaning to write something about these gloves for about 2 weeks now, as they have become completely unrepairable. During its early life I really liked the semi open weave fleece fabric on the outside of the glove allowing your hands to not overheat with a shelled equivalent . However now with entire fingers burned off, patches of brown leather stained black substitute parts of its body, holes where tungsten rings lay underneath, despite all of this, I still hold on to them. They still dangle from a small worn carabiner on a bag that I take everywhere. It's sad to realize that even if replaced with the same model, the delicate and intricate sewing would have many little differences to these. These have lasted longer than my own relationship, and they have warmed and protected my hands longer than any other could have. Get yourself a pair of gloves and sew them up until there's no fabric left to sew